To date many sub-chapters have been small groups of JETAA members that live in a similar area that is not close to the main chapter for the region, such as having a Nebraska sub-chapter for the Heartlands JETAA chapter. These chapters have, when funded, been funded out of the parent chapter's budget. Recently at an international level, there has been an attempt to create more formal guidelines for sub-chapter so that they can receive funding for things such as National Conference travel. The current JETAA USA chapters with sub-chapters are as follows:
- US 2 NY Chapter -
- Philadelphia Sub-Chapter
- US 8 Heartland Chapter
- Iowa, St. Louis, Kansas, Dakotas, Nebraska Sub-chapters
- US 9 Houston Chapter -
- Austin, Lubbock, Dallas/Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, El Paso Sub-chapters
- US 10 Rocky Mountain Chapter -
- New Mexico, Southern Colorado Sub-chapters
Proposal and Background from Country Reps
Although we had very fruitful conversations at the 2007 National Conference in regards to sub-chapters, CLAIR Tokyo has expressed that it is not familiar with this level of chapter organization that we have been using within our alumni association. Therefore, in order for them to confirm the use of the additional funding for our National Conference and future events, we have been asked to formalize a definition. We realize that in order to encourage as much growth as
possible in the greatest number of locations in the country, we must refrain from making this definition too limiting. We have prepared a document proposing the following explanation for sub-chapters. Each aspect of this definition is a step that a sub-chapter must take in becoming a full chapter, which is strongly encouraged.
In order to qualify for funding a representative to attend the 2008 JETAA USA National Conference, a sub-chapter must provide a registration list of names for a minimum of 4 members and also fulfill two of the following four requirements:
1. Establish at least two “officer” positions (Example: President and Secretary/Treasurer )
2. Organize a minimum of one activity per year (or intention of holding one organized activity by the end of the current fiscal year, e.g. March 31, 2009)
3. Submit budget request to parent chapter for past activity(ies) or activity to take place before the end of the current fiscal year, e.g. March 31, 2009
4. Create governing document (Bylaws or pre-cursor to Bylaws) containing a minimum of mission statement and general geographical boundary for the sub-chapter region
Please refer to the relevant document on the JETAA US Chapters Yahoo! group ( and make additional feedback by April 23, 2008. Once the final document has been passed along to CLAIR Tokyo, we can make amendments to it, but only through a formal process with approval voted on among the chapters.