There are several steps to creating and being recognized as a chapter. The first point should be to clarify that there are several bodies that have to recognize a chapter for different things. These include:
- CLAIR - through the JLGC
- MoFA - through the local consulate
JETAA International Chapter Rules
(taken from the JETAA International By-Laws at -
Membership of JETAA-International is on a chapter basis and is restricted to chapters recognized by JETAA-International and who continue to operate as ‘active’ chapters, with at least twenty (20) current members and written chapter bylaws. Membership is subject to maintenance of a minimum number of twenty (20) JET alumni. In the case of a JET Alumni chapter existing in a country with fewer than 20 members, where it is the only chapter in a country, Associate Membership may be granted by the Executive Committee, until such time as the 20 member minimum is reached in that country. Associate Members do not pay annual dues and have no voting rights.
Associate Membership may bring the following benefits:
- The use of the JETAA name and/or logo
- Participation in a Regional Conference (where appropriate)
- Support and advice from Country Representatives and Chapter Representatives in other countries
- Access to the International JETAA website ( for resources and contact information
Membership may additionally be subject to payment of annual JETAA-International membership dues. Decisions on whether membership dues shall be levied and the level of due shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee, by a vote in favour of two-thirds majority or greater of the Executive Committee. Sub-chapters shall not be represented in their own right but through their parent chapter. Sub-chapters shall
be subject to all requirements and privileges of parent chapters, except voting and attendance at JETAA-International meetings.
New chapters/sub-chapters seeking to become members may apply for membership by submitting to the Executive Committee a copy of their chapter by-laws, current membership list and summary of activities over the last 12 months, together with a covering letter requesting membership. In the case of a membership application being accepted by the Executive Committee, membership of JETAA-International may be
subject to payment of annual membership dues. In the case of a former JET Programme participant residing in a country where there is no recognised JETAA chapter, interim membership on an individual basis may be granted by the Executive Committee until such times as an official JETAA chapter is established in that country. Interim members do not pay annual dues and have no voting rights.
Membership dues shall be determined on an annual basis, in accordance with the budget prepared by the Treasurer and approved by two-thirds majority or greater of the Executive Committee.
Member chapters and sub-chapters of JETAA-International should be committed to providing service related to the JET Programme, establishing professional relationships with other chapters (both member and non-member chapters of JETAAInternational), working towards the growth, development and success of JETAA International whilst at all times maintaining integrity, professionalism, and to represent JETAA both officially and otherwise with the highest standards.
Recognition by CLAIR
JET Alumni in the United States interested in receiving funding from CLAIR, should contact the Japan Local Government Center in New York ( about the feasibility of creating a chapter in their area. Among other things, it will be necessary to prove that the area is not being served by another chapter and that there is sufficient demand among JET alumni in the area to support the creation of a chapter. The next stage is the development of a set of By-Laws, creation of a membership list, and election of officers so that the new chapter can apply for funding from CLAIR. In many cases there will be a pre-existing chapter in the same region that can act as a parent organization. In this case discuss with the officers of that chapter becoming one of their sub-chapters.
Recognition by MoFA
Please contact your local consulate to determine their requirements to recognize a chapter for funding. A list of consulates can be found here