Meeting Agenda (upcoming)
June 22, 2009
// Ongoing Agenda Item Contribution by CRs//
- Follow up on GIA support for chapters
- National Conference Update
Meeting Minutes (archive)
June 8, 2009
(Action) – is an action item by the next meeting unless otherwise indicated
Next proposed call is June 11 at 7:30p.m.PST or 10:30p.mEST
(Action) CRs will collectively manage the agenda items prior to a call, whether that be through emails sent out prior to the meeting, by one CR setting the agenda for the meeting, or by one CR sending a reminder that an agenda needs to be set for the meeting.
Ryan will continue to type and post follow up to the meeting on the JETAA USA wiki +/- one week following the call.
National Conference
Upon feedback for the proposal and official announcement, Randall didn’t really see an overall theme or inititiatives that JETAA has on the table for 2009-2010 or follow up initiatives from previous years.
(Action) CRs will work with US7 Chicago’s Publications team in order to make sure that the theme for the conference is effectively built into the conference materials. (e.g.) the theme for building bridges / transportation, etc.
(Action) Ryan will send out another copy of the preliminary chapter survey for the conference to Shree and Randall for feedback prior to the conference.
Randall suggested the need to have chapters come to the conference ready to put their hat in the ring for hosting the conference in 2010. Shree mentioned that New York had voted and approved tentatively submitting a bid for 2010.
(Action) Ryan will review the roles and responsibilities of the chapter versus the CR’s in support role with Emi Fukuda, President and Project Manager on the 2009 National Conference on June 9th.
Discussion on why are chapters reluctant to host? As a national organization, JETAA USA needs to communicate that that both chapters and subchatpers are allowed to host the conference.
(Action) Ryan will send Shree preliminary paperwork for US2 New York chapter to review for hosting a 2010 conference.
(Action) The CRs will shoot for putting together comprehensive and easy-to-use-and-understand information, templates, and applications for those chapters that are thinking of hosting a conference to get them started on submitting a proposal.
National Conference Workshop ideas that were discussed include:
- Overall how to host national conference
- Workshop for security and how to protect organization – liability, legality of job postings, who is legally responsible for information posted on the website, what are the disclaimers, privacy issues
- Different size chapters and workshops for each
CR Email
(Action) Ryan will clean up the US2 address and export information to the email address he will be using by June 9.
(Action) Ryan will sign up US1 and US3 addresses to chapter listservs around the country and in JETAA International so that there will be a seamless transition of emails and no loss of information will occur.
(Action) Ryan will release US2 and US3 to Randall and Shree by June 9th.
(Action) An official announcement will be sent out on USChapters announcing the new email address and contact information for the US Country Representatives by June 10th.
(Action) An official announcement will be sent out on AADelegates announding the new email address information and contact information for the US Country Representatives by June 10th.
(Action) US CRs will contact their assigned chapters, subchapter representatives and JET Coordinators by June 30th to announce their support.
NPO Updates
(Action) Shree to follow up with former US Country Rep, Shannan S, on the background work on the National NPO work that New York has already done.
Outlook for the project would be making the first official pitch to CLAIR Reps at national.
Second pitch at international conference in October.
May 15, 2009
(Action) – is an action item by the next meeting unless otherwise indicated
Next proposed call is June 10 at 5:30p.m.PST or 8:30p.mEST
(Action) Randall will touch base with Warren in KC to get an update on the NPO items.
(Action) Shree will get any information and background work that JETAA NY has done on the NPO issue to Randall so he has full information.
(Action) Shree will give other CRs download of the information she got from Matt in her sit down meeting with him. Shree will also outline proper course of action in disseminating that information. (e.g.) email update to USChapters, JETAA USA Conference Call, etc.
(Action) Shree will schedule a conference call with Matt, Randall and Ryan if necessary in the dissemination of the GIA requirements.
National Conference
(Action) Ryan will get in touch with the JET Coordinator at the consulate to touch base and offer support.
(Action) Ryan will reach out to President again for an update on conference planning. The goal would be to:
a) establish regular communication on the national conference planning updates, and
b) establish who is the point person in the national conference planning.
(Action) Ryan will send both Shree and Randall copies of National Conference communication
It was discussed to require all chapters to submit subchapter reports along with their CLAIR reports at the end of the year. This updated information will be posted on the JETAA USA website along with the JETAA USA Wiki.
(Action) Ryan will send an email to JETAAi Chair, Secretariat, and acting Webmaster to confirm that the JETAA USA emails have been transferred completely.
All emails will be forwarded to assigned Yahoo accounts, so CRs will have a single login to administer all emails as well as the Yahoo Groups Admin backend.
Assignments are as follows: Ryan (moc.oohay|asuaatej.1su#moc.oohay|asuaatej.1su or gro.inmulatej|1su#gro.inmulatej|1su), Shree(moc.oohay|asuaatej.2su#moc.oohay|asuaatej.2su or gro.inmulatej|2su#gro.inmulatej|2su ) and Randall (moc.oohay|asuaatej.3su#moc.oohay|asuaatej.3su or gro.inmulatej|3su#gro.inmulatej|3su)
(Action) Ryan will send an email to Shree and Randall with user names and passwords when the transfer is complete.
(Action) After Shree and Randall have access to the emails, Ryan will send an email to both JETAAi and JETAA USA announcing the transfer of CRs is complete with everyone’s contact information.
International Conference
(Action) Shree and Randall must confirm they have sent their conference registration to Kay. Kay will confirm when we must purchase our tickets and how those tickets will be reimbursed.
CRs will look at a deeper rebuild of both the JETAA USA and JETAA USA Wiki sites. The JETAA USA site will serve as our front end, external, marketing/PR site with interest articles and traffic directed to the individual chapters. The JETAA USA Wiki will play a stronger role in chapter support.
(Action, June 30th) CRs will identify possible changes to both the JETAA USA site and information to be included on the JETAA USA Wiki. These changes will be included in a press release that will be posted on JETAA USA site and JETAA USA Wiki site.
(Action) Ryan will created a CR corner on the Wiki in order to display current projects, meeting notes, etc of the CRs for greater transparency within the organization.
(Action) Ryan will post a link on the JETAA USA website for chapters looking for resources and information.
(Action) Ryan will post notes and agenda for CR calls within a one week window of our calls +/-
CR Chapter Support
Division of chapter support is as follows.
US1 Washington DC – Shree
US2 New York – Randall
US3 New England – Ryan
US4 Southeast – Randall
US5 MidSouth – Shree
US6 Florida – Shree
US7 Chicago – Ryan
US8 Heartland – Randall
US9 Texoma – Ryan
US10 Rocky Mountains – Shree
US11 Pacific Northwest – Randall
US12 Portland – Ryan
US13 Northern California – Randall
US14 Southern California – Ryan
US15 Hawaii – Ryan
US16 Alaska – Ryan
US17 Great Lakes – Shree
US18 Minnesota – Shree
US19 Music City – Randall
(Action) CRs will contact representatives from each of the chapters they are providing support for and explain the new system – ONCE the contact information and announcements have been sent out to USChapters. CRs will also contact the JET Coordinators at the consulates to offer as much support as we can.