Chapter Growth
As more and more JETs return to the US, chapters should be growing naturally. However, this section highlights ways that chapters can focus on growth above and beyond this slower organic growth process both in terms of membership and in terms of the breadth of activites in which the chapter engages.
2009 National Conference Notes - Membership and Sustainability
This information was discussed at the 2009 membership breakout session related to membership and sustainability. Please feel free to view and add to this information.
Membership Retention
One of the most important factors for chapters is retention of membership, especially active membership. Please refer to the membership retention guide for more information on this topic.
Expanding the Role of a JETAA Chapter
Some ideas for expanding the role of a JETAA Chapter for both members and the community are:
- Providing lessons in Japanese or other subjects related to Japanese culture
- Developing a strong relationship with other Japan related organizations and businesses such as Japan America Societies, local japanese recruiting firms, Japanese student groups, etc.
- Providing professional development workshops and opportunities for JETAA members
- Sponsoring or assisting in community events and volunteerism
page revision: 5, last edited: 25 Aug 2009 02:59