This site has been created as a common resource for JETAA USA chapters, although much of the material will apply to all regions. Here you will find guidance on creating a chapter, chapter functions, organization, events, and other information that will assist in running a JETAA chapter.
Table of Contents
- Current JETAA USA structure and chapters
- Creating a Chapter
- Officers
- Country Representatives
- Financial Matters
- Events
- Chapter Growth
- Newsletters
Guidelines for editing the site
Here's all the information and more that you need to know about how to become an expert at making updates to the Wiki. You will be uploading your chapter's updates in no time!
Official 2009-national-conference Page
In addition to the US Chapters listserv, we will be posting information and announcements for the 2009 JETAA USA National Conference being held in Chicago from August 21-23. There's only a short time left to the conference, so don't miss any deadlines and check back in often!
20th Anniversary Essays - The Best of JET Series 2008
Here is the compilation of essays from the Kintetsu Essay contest 20th Anniversary Essays-The Best of JET Series 2008.pdf
This can be a wonderful promotional and recruitment tool when printed in hard copy. Please see the 20th Anniversary Essay Publication 2008 Proposal for funding.doc on how to generate funding from your chapter so that JETAA USA can print more of these! Wishlist
Becoming a member
We invite anyone to read the site and take advantage of any of the information contained within. If you would like to help us build out the site please become a member so you can get editing rights. Apply below: (if you have not received a response in a day or so please e-mail at moc.oohay|esaatej#moc.oohay|esaatej)
You need to have a account and be signed to apply for membership.
if you already have a account |
or |
it is worth it and is free |
US Chapters Group on Yahoo!
There is a Yahoo! Group for JETAA USA Chapter Officers called US Chapters, if you would like to join please go to